TLC Leadership

Are You Ready to Shift Some Paradigms to Become a Transformative Leader?

Journey with us during this action-oriented, five-session program to discover how to affectively implement the components of the TLC Leadership Model. Receive feedback, coaching, and guidance to learn how to overcome challenges, avoid pitfalls, and maintain motivation while creating a work culture based on Trust, Loyalty, & Commitment.

*Offered as Online Workshop

classes to be offered on June 2,9,16,23, & 30,2022

First Class

June 2,  2022

6:00  PM Central Time 


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What You’ll learn in this training:

This program is presented in Five 1-1.5 Hour Sessions

Session 1- Introduction to an HHO & TLC Model & Action Partner Pairing

•Session 2: DeBOSH TRUST Model

•Session 3: Loyalty

•Session 4: Commitment

•Session 5: Reflection & TLC Action Plan

•Workplace Assignments each week

•2 Coaching Sessions  (1)During the program;   (1) 60-90 Days after

•TLC Self Assessments Conducted for each area

•TLC Leadership Model Self Assessment

•TLC Action Plans (Submitted to TLC Coach/Mentor/Advisor)

Cost: $297

(*Max Limit 20 participants, no less than 3)

(**Additional Coaching Sessions Available at Alumni Rate)

Hurry and Sign-up Today!

Seats are limited for this live training!



works tirelessly to influence transformative change

“Mick works diligently and pours all of his energies towards the task at hand with a humble focus that works tirelessly to influence transformative change within those he serves, leads and coaches.”

skip o'brien | CEO @ redebotdigital

unconditionally committed to helping each of his students

“Mick is the consummate professional in all of his endeavors and is unconditionally committed to helping each of his students succeed by sharing real-world scenarios and teaching leaderships skills and techniques that actually perform in the working environment!”

MDebee Profile Pic

Your Facilitator:

Mick DeBee

For over thirty years Mick’s passion for creating a more positive work environment has been his motivation in assisting leaders and organizations gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop a more harmonious work culture. For Mick the desire to develop leaders to create a more positive work environment is more than just a career choice but rather his personal mission in life. And Mick truly never tires or passes up an opportunity to assist leaders at all levels develop the skills that will move them forward from being a good leader to a great leader.

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What you will discover when you interact with Mick in any capacity is that the word quit is not in his vocabulary.  Not only will he not quit on you, but he also won’t let you quit on yourself.  Mick understands that leaders and organizations face many challenges and that at different points during the journey they will require different levels of support.  That may be in the form of a coach or mentor.  Or maybe they need a cheerleader to motivate them through the next challenge.  Or perhaps they are just in need of thought partner to help them clearly see the path forward.  Whatever role is needed Mick has the leadership, coaching, and consulting skills to assist others in achieving their goals.

So, whether you engage with Mick as a coach, consultant, or trainer you will find that his vast knowledge and experience in leadership and organizational development will provide you with the tools that you need to develop and sustain a positive work environment. And that you can be a leader that has a lasting impact and that creates a great legacy for others to build upon.

Come join us and experience it for yourself.